If you'd like to contact either Jason Faunt or the webmaster, you've come to the right place!
To reach Jason Faunt:
from Jason Faunt himself, March 26, 2002
As Jason is no longer a regular on Power Rangers, fan mail being sent to the studio address is no longer reaching him. Instead, he asks that you send your letters to this address:
Star Border Inc.
P.O. Box 572202
Tarzana, California 91357
If you'd like an autographed picture, Jason requests that you enclose $5 with your letter (to cover the cost of envelopes, stamps, and the picture). With this $5, you can request either a Power Rangers style picture, or a regular headshot. (For examples of which is which, stop by the Modeling/Exclusive Pictures gallery.) The $5 also gives you the choice of either a regular autograph, or a personalized one.
Parents: You could get an autograph for your little Power Rangers fan, and have it personalized to them! Wouldn't that make an awesome birthday/Christmas present?
To reach the webmaster:
Click here to send me an e-mail!